Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Slavery Issue Of The Civil War - 1373 Words

The slavery issue is a subject that continues to be discussed today, and for most Americans, the main reason that launched the civil war. Both authors agree that slavery was morally wrong and it almost brought the Union to its knees and the destruction of it. However, both authors have very distinct thoughts and reasons for it. While Stanley Elkins’ Slavery has a more personal and opinionated account, James McPherson’s interpretation in Ordeal by Fire is based on facts. McPherson employs the use of graphics and charts to illustrate and quantify the findings about slavery and his book. James McPherson bases his writings on the economic factors that made slavery the main force for prosperity for the American South. Cotton production had become the main source of income for the US from 1815 to 1860 . The Southern States’ economy was growing but they were, for the most part, reluctant to the ideas of modernization. The slave states valued tradition and stability mo re than change and progress. They responded with distaste to the Northern States competitive views and progress and their view of how America should be in the future. Stanley Elkins views on slavery were based on a more personal view of the issue. He is more of a liberal writer and bases his opinion on his views of the problem. Elkins talks about the problem of slavery in America and the problem that continues to affect it. He claims that slavery and its aftermath pose a problem for all Americans that, if it alreadyShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Slavery And The Civil War1315 Words   |  6 PagesThe question of slavery and the rights of states to decide on the matter for themselves completely controlled politics in the years prior to the Civil War. Laws were passed, such as the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which made it so any slaves that escaped were to be sent back to their owners. 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